Alphabetical listing of soldiers from the Avoca district
Anderson, Neil Watson; Armstrong, Henry Martin; Armstrong, James; Auld, Andrew; Bailey, George; Bannister, Arthur William; Barnes, George Herbert; Barnes, Henry William (Harry) - ? Should be Henry James; Barnes, Hurtle Edgar; Barnes, Walter; Barnett, M.; Barry, George; Barry, Roderick Ernest; Bartlett, A.; Bartlett, Thomas Nicholls; Beavis, James Sutherland (Jas Jun.); Beavis, John (Jack S.); Beer, Charles; Bennett, Donald ; Blackney, John Ernest; Blain, John; Bonsor, Chas G.; Bonsor, Vivian; Bonsor, Wm J.; Borbridge, James Charles; Borbridge, W. R.; Bowen, Leslie Francis; Bowen, William Henry; Bradley, Herbert James (Bert); Brazil, Frank Edward; Brereton, Charles Cecil; Brereton, William Gordon (Gordon); Bright, James Frederick; Broadbent, J.; Brown, H. (Herbert / Bert); Brown, James Neil; Brown, John Alexander; Buck, Frederick Thomas; Burke, J.F.; Burke, Patrick; Burnett, W. (or Barnett?); Burns, George Charles; Burns, William; Cain, Henry George; Calnan, Claude; Cameron, William; Carter, Edgar William; Carter, H.B.; Castleman, Ernest John; Castleman, William Charles; Chambers, Hubert Randall; Chandler, Horace Arthur; Chandler, W.; Chaplan, W.; Chapman, Jas Mayman; Cheesman, William (Willie, Will); Clune, John Patrick; Coates, Ernest Frederick Collis; Coffin, C.; Collins, Arthur William; Cowan, Mr; Cox, Graham Rodgers; Cox, Hubert Franklin; Cox, Lyle Hampden; Cox, William Bramwell; Cracknell, James Edward; Cragie, Henry Walter; Cragie, J.C.; Cragie, Robert Leslie; Crick, William James (Jack); Croft, Charles William; Croft, W.H.; Cross, Frederick Beswick; Cross, George Murray; Crute, Arthur Thomas; Cullip, Charles Wm Neil; Cummins, Reginald Walter; Currie, Hubert Roulstone Clifford (Cliff R.); Curtain, M.; Da Fonte, Albert; Daly, John Francis; Darker, William; Davenport, Harold A.; Davies, D.; Davies, Harold William; Davies, Robert William; Derrick, Ernest Albert; Diamond, Charles Patrick; Dobley (Doblie), Leslie; Doodt, Charles A.; Doodt, D (Dave); Douglas, J.; Douglas, James Oliver; Downing, F.; Downing, Frederick; Dridan, Frank; Driscoll, Allan Ernest; Driscoll, Bertie (Cecil Albert); Driver, William Henry; Dunell, Frank Thomas Richard; Durant, William; Ebeling, Eric Arthur; Ebeling, GA (Gus); Edwards, Alfred Richard (Lambert E.); Edwards, Archibald Richard (Arch.); Elliott, Arthur; Elliott, Norman; Elliott, Thomas Job; Elliott, W.N. (William or Nelson); Emerson, Leslie V.; Emerson, William David (Willie); Esperson, Oscar Charles Rev; Evans, Gilbert George Henry; Evans, Stan W.; Evans, W.H. (William Henry?); Farnsworth, William John; Farrell, Richard Louis; Firns, Septimus; Fish, Walter; Ford, Arthur W. or Arthur T.; Ford, H.; Forte, Edwin; Fraser, Donald George (Don, Donald John); Frean, Norman Alfred; French, Charles George (Chas / Charles); French, Walter Henry A.; French, William Henry; Fuller, Jarvis Bunting; Fuller, Mark Reuben; Gallag(h)er, Nathaniel; Garner, David; Garner, Joseph James; Gee, Frederick Roy; Gee, Frederick William; Gee, Jno. (Jack); George, Herbert L.; George, John James; Gibson, Chas. A.; Gilbert, Audrey S.; Golder, Alfred Charles G. ; Golder, Frederick Otto; Gollop, Harold; Gordon, Hugh G.; Gordon, James; Gouge, Walter; Greenwood, Harold James; Greenwood, Walter Herbert; Hanly, Joseph Dillon; Harbour, Herbert Joseph H.; Harris, Norman Cecil; Harrowfield, Frank; Harrowfield, Norman Andrew; Harrowfield, Robert Leslie; Hartigan, Clarence Victor; Hart, Norman Edgar; Hart, Percival Oliver; Hart, Robert Charles (Bob); Harvey, Walter; Hellings, David Harrison (Dave); Henderson, Alexander Thomas; Henderson, C. [Charles?]; Henderson, John Hamilton; Henderson, Joseph J.; Henderson, Thomas Arthur; Henderson, Victor William; Henry, Clifford Albert; Hilderbrand, Wm Jas (Will); Hill, C.; Holland, Henry S.; Hope, George Reuben; Howard, F.; Howard, Harold; Howard, J.H.; Howell, Tom Pym; Hughes, A.; Hughes, W.; Humphrey, WC; Impey, Harold Thomas; Irwin, Jas.; Jane, Percy; Jardine, John Armstrong; Jardine, John William; Jardine, William Edward; Jenkins, Mr; Johnson, Cedric; Johnson, F.; Johnson, G. (George); Johnson, Reginald Clarence (Rege.) or Reginald Campbell?; Johnson, Roy Seccombe; Johnson, Walter Henry Clarence; Johnson, William Lennon L. (Lennon); Jones, A.; Jones, Alfred (Alf); Jose, H.; Keleher, J.; Kerr, William Robert; Kiehl, Anton; Kitchell, Percy Vincent; Kitchen, Arthur Leslie; Kitchen, George R.; Knuckey, Frederick William Laurence; Laidlaw, R.T.; Lambert, Bert L.; Lambert, Shadrach; Langdon, J.; Lansdell, Francis Henry (Harry); Larkins, James; La Roche, John B.; La Roche, Roy (O.R.); Lawry, Henry; Leerson, Albert Henry; Leipper, J.A.; Lewis, C.R.; Lewis, J.W.; Leyden, John Maurice; Leyden, Phillip James (Phil); Lindsay, Francis James; Lindsay, John; Livingstone, John (Jack); Lofts, Arthur Leslie; London, Henry John; Looney, Oliver John; Lundy, Andrew; Lundy, John; Lyons, Philip James; Marshall, John; Martin, Jack; Martin, Orville Stowe; McArdle, John Eric Farquhar; McCracken, Norman P.; McCulloch, C.; McDonald, Joseph Henry; McDowell, William Robert; McEwan, Francis Jacob (Frank J.); McLaughlin, Thos.; McManus, Henry John; McNeill, Jno; McVicar, Archibald A.; McVicar, Frederick Neil George; Miles, Edward T.L.; Mitchell, Edwin; Mitchell, Thomas Trebilcock; Mitchell, William Dawson; Mockett, Arch; Moodie, R. A. (Alec); Morris, George; Mortimer, M.; Mouet, Gordon (? Mouat Gordon McKie); Neil, Arthur Stanley; Neil, O.; Neyland, C. Mc C. (assume Colin McCombe); Neyland, Edward Christopher; Nicholsen, William (or Nicolson, William George); Nicholson, Ernest; Ohlsen, William Peter; Opie, Ernest; Opie, M.; Opie, Norman; Oppy, William Edward; Orrock, John Harold; Perry, A.D.; Petherick, Ernest George; Petherick, Ordmonds Leslie(Orme); Phillips, Thos.; Porter, Albert Beddingfield; Preston, A.E.; Rae, F.M.; Rafferty, Matt; Ramage, James; Randall, Matthew Ernest (Ernest); Randall, William; Rayner, C.; Rayner, W. H.; Redpath, Warburton S. (= S.); Rees, Frederick L.; Reeves, Harold Henderson; Reid, D.M.; Reid, Ebenezer Uranus Randall Kaiser (Eb.); Resuggan, Arthur George; Roberts, R.G.; Robinson, F.T.; Robinson, Robert W. (Bob); Roe, A.T.; Rooke, T.A.; Ross, John M.; Ross, Wm Leslie; Rowland, Henry Herbert; Rowland, Wesley Richard; Roxburgh, Thomas; Ryan, J.; Samers, Vincent Robert (Vince); Schofield, E.J.; Scott, Robert Victor; Sedery, Charles; Sells, William John; Seymour, Rupert Leslie; Shaw. C.E. [Charles?]; Shaw, R.H.; Shiell, M. T. ; Sims, Herbert Louis (Lew); Smith, J.; Smith, James; Smith, L.; Smith, P.; Smith, Raymond Arthur William; Smith, Stanley William; Smith, Tom; Speirs, Fred.; Squires, Leopold Alfred; Stavely, William C. B. (Will); Stevens, Albert; Stevens, Frederick; Stewart, Alfred Eyvel; Stewart, Arthur A. (Art); Stewart, Thomas (Tom); Stoddart, George Henry; Stuart, William Charles; Summerfield, Arthur Joseph; Summerfield, Sydney Edwin (Sid); Summers, David L. (Dave); Templeton, George Hugh; Thomas, William Percival; Tootell, Edward; Tootell, James; Torney, Wm G. or George William; Townsing, George James; Tuck, Percy Clarence; Turner, Charles Herbert ; Turpin, Henry; Turpin, Patrick; Walker, Elspeth; Walker, H.; Walker, Kathleen Lucy; Walker, Lionel Everard; Walker, Rose Mary; Wantess, T.G.; Warren, Arthur; Watt, H.; Webster, Frank Thomas; Webster, Isaac Oswald (Ike); Weir, Arthur; Weldon, Robert James Max (Max); Willett, Frank; Williams, Henry; Williams, John Alfred; Williams, W.H.J.; Willmott, Charles Jonathon; Willmott, David Horace; Willmott, Herbert Stoten (Herb); Wilson, Albert; Wilson, Barwise Carr W. (Barry); Wilson, C.M.; Wilson, Vivian L.; Wilson, William Allan; Wiltshire, Edward George; Wise, C.; Wise, Murray R.; Wise, Terence Murray; Witherden, David William (Dave); Witherden, Thomas Haswell (Tom) ; Wood, Herbert; Worthington, Argus A. (Angus Arbor); Worthington, Roy Vincent; Wrigley, Fred Rankin; Wrigley, John; Yates, James Oscar; Yates, Leslie Reginald (Les); Young, Cecil Ernest; Young, Francis; Young, James Guthrie; Young, John Percival
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